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Adding Live Now To Your YouTube Channel

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:31 am
by MJKlein
Every one who live streams should have the Live now section added to their channel so when they are live it shows on their channel. This makes is super easy for your followers to find your live stream. They don't have to search through your videos in their subscriptions to find you.

Google keeps moving things around in YouTube studio. At any rate, find the menu tab for Layout and click on that.

Notice the section below called Featured sections.

To the right side there is an option called + ADD SECTION Click on that and add Live now.

There are other sections that you may want to add.

Use the slider to the far left of each option and drag it up or down how you'd like it to appear on your YouTube channel page.

Press PUBLISH in the upper right and you're good to go!