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Periscope API Killed Off - Twitter Live Streamers Left With No Chat!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 9:28 am
by MJKlein
Twitter Live's API is apparently unfinished. Either that, or they have no intention of allowing any 3rd party app to capture and display comments, like we could with Periscope. Now that the Periscope API has been killed off, the replacement Twitter Live API does not give 3rd party access to the comments. This means that in order to have chat interaction with Twitter Live, you must go live from the native app.

As a possible workaround, I did some testing today using and sure enough, the comments that I entered on the Twitter app, ala Periscope, did not show up in the restream chat. In fact, since I only had Twitter activated, the chat input box wasn't even available on the restream web interface (which I used to generate the test broadcast).

We have no idea if this is going to be an going, permanent situation or if at some point Twitter is going to allow chat to be captured by a 3rd party app.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that Twitter is doing this. It's like they are purposefully trying to find reasons for streamer to not use Twitter Live. It's already bad enough that your broadcast gets buried in the noise of some generic short messaging app that has no optimization for viewing live streams whatsoever. Not to mention that none of the Periscope followers were not carried forward to Twitter, so all that momentum was lost in the transfer.

Re: Periscope API Killed Off - Twitter Live Streamers Left With No Chat!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:27 am
by MJKlein
Elon Musk said that he would implement a $100/month fee for API access. Shortly thereafter he took it back. They don't seem to know what they are doing. One thing I can tell you is - if the API does not capture viewer comments while live streaming, there isn't any point to the API, IMO.